We are Proud to announce Toronto’s most favourite Courier Service ‘Lightbeam Courier Ltd.’ has made its presence in the Metaverse!
Over the next few weeks we will be building out our $LBCC Metaverse Rental Spaces!! including our storefront where Users will be able to book real world deliveries from the Metaverse!
Among the various spaces avail we will be providing:
- Lecture Halls (For Films, Presentations, Teaching, Speeches, Comedians, Poetry Sessions Etc.)
- Private Business Meeting Spaces (including, office meeting rooms, tables)
-Condo Apartments (For great views of Metaverse concerts, Metaverse community events, And can be used as a private space to enjoy quiet time with others to watch a movie etc.
- Advertising Space in ANY of our Metaverse Properties including our Metaverse Storefront
-Art Gallery (For promotion of your artwork, including NFTs, real world paintings, drawings etc.)
- & MUCH MORE!! (More Properties to be announced on the day of LAUNCH)
Screens in all rooms/spaces can be preloaded with the URL of any website or video you wish, for the entire time of your rental!
Become a member NOW!
Metaverse URL🌎: lightbeamcourierltd87.multiverseonline.io
$LBCC ⚡️ will be the ONLY currency accepted for ALL or our current and future Metaverse services!!
Visit our Telegram for more Information
Visit www.LightbeamCourier.com